Supporting Employee Performance Management, Development and Company Growth

Enabling a paradigm shift in mindset and gaining requisite skills.

“This is definitely a very positive experience because I am looking for a learning partner that knows my needs and PACE knows my needs. Confidence in the facilitator secures our partnership.”

– Colin Ng, Human Resource Manager, Fujitsu (Asia) Pte Ltd

Having experienced continuous growth of the organisation, the senior management team at Fujitsu (Asia) Pte Ltd sought ways to improve its performance management system and processes in order to maintain employee motivation. Yet for such a transformation in the performance management system to take place, a paradigm shift in mindset and requisite skills were required.


In addition to designing, developing, and delivering a series of customised facilitation workshops to build management excellence at Fujitsu (Asia), PACE enabled its senior management team to ensure alignment among the organisational vision, mission and corporate values in order to lead  employees towards desired strategic outcomes.


The OD workshops conducted by PACE were reported to be so popular with Fujitsu (Asia) managers and employees that places were immediately filled up every time a PACE workshop was arranged. Many managers and employees found the experiential approach used in the workshops highly effective because they could easily apply their learning outcomes back in the workplace.

In addition, through its partnership with PACE, the senior management team expressed its belief in the value of training as a strong contributor to organisation and people excellence.

Enabling Real Business Outcomes through Employee Engagement

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